Getting Your Deck Ready for Summer

Exterior Stains University City MO

At the end of the winter, your deck needs lots of love to get ready for your summer parties. Whether your siding has exterior stains University City MO or your paint is peeling, here are the top jobs to complete before your first outdoor celebration.

Identify the Problem Areas

Inspect your deck, including the walls of your house and the foundation. Look for signs of UV damage, such as cracked or warped wood and faded paint or fabric. Watch for deck stains, which could indicate serious water damage below your floors. 

Make a Game Plan

Prioritizing your list of deck maintenance helps you determine which problems are the most serious. For example, if you have exterior wood stains all along your deck, that's a more pressing concern than replacing your faded outdoor cushions. If you're not sure which problems indicate serious structural issues and which ones are simply aesthetic disasters, consult with a deck construction expert.

Complete Your Repairs

With the help of professionals, carry out your prioritized list of repairs. As you're working, make sure to follow safety protocols such as wearing a face mask when working with varnishes and wearing safety goggles when cutting wood for your deck fence. Communicate with your construction team to make sure that everyone knows what to do.

Maintain Your Deck

To prevent your deck from needing such serious repairs next summer, commit to deck maintenance over the winter. Paint as much of your untreated wood as possible, and cover the rest with tarps. Store your furniture inside so that it doesn't fade, and sweep your deck regularly.

When your deck needs a fresh coat of paint for its summer revitalization, count on all of us at Reineke Decorating to get the job done right. Contact us today to set up your paint job.